Unison Choruses Canada is a national not-for-profit organization that acts as a hub for Canadian 2SLGBTQIA+ choruses. Unison facilitates connections between choruses and provides resources to help choruses with administration, fundraising and programming. Unison’s flagship event is the Unison Festival. This Canadian festival for queer choirs takes place every four years in a different city. In 2023, the festival was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from May 19-22.  Save the date, the next festival will be in beautiful Vancouver, BC,  May 18-21, 2026

Unison is a registered charity and we gratefully accept donations in any amount. We issue official donation receipts for donations of $20 or more.

Our registered charity number is 82329 3808 RR0001.

Thank you!


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Zeffy is free to use!  100% of your donation will be received by Unison

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Send a donation by mail

Please make cheques payable to Unison Choruses Canada.

Mailing address:

6, 319 13 St NW
Calgary AB  T2N 1Z3